->Estimated Date for New Version: ~23-26 June 2010
[*] Screen capture
[*] Webcam capture
[*] Offline keylogger(even logs clipboard chance & visual keyboard)
[*] Semi-Automatic online keylogger
[*] Very Advanced File manager & transfer Manager
[*] instant messenger(chat window) between client & Server
[*] Talking engine(it will read with sound what do you write)
[*] (clipboard & keyboard) manager
[*] Mouse manager
[*] windows color & resolution chance
[*] Setting & gettin remote computers Date/time
[*] Turn off & Restart & log-off computer
[*] wide Fun manager
[*] view installed applications & unistall & delete regs
[*] internet explorer manager(visited websites ,open page, change home page)
[*] Taking private note for server(stores in Remote computer)
[*] Active Cpu and RAM Monitor (semi-auto)
[*] Remote shell manager(same as Run\Cmd)
[*] Process manager
[*] Application manager
[*] Services Manager
[*] Registry Manager
[*] Visible Messages With Windows APIs(for eg:error, information, warning kind messages)
[*] Server information
[*] computer information
[*] Chance Dns/IP
[*] Chance Server Nick
[*] ping Server
[*] close/ unistall server
[+] first execution date
[+] webcam aviable or not
[+] Mark servers (6 different color OR Flag)
I downloaded this today and will be testing it out sometime soon. Thank you for sharing it here!